We couldn’t do it without you! Your support of our fundraising efforts, your charitable contributions, and your willingness to volunteer on committees and in our classrooms help make Johnson Ferry Christian Academy a great place for our students to grow academically and spiritually. 


The GOAL Program is a remarkable and important giving opportunity the state of Georgia provides. In exchange for contributions to Georgia GOAL, our partner student scholarship organization, taxpayers receive a 100% state income tax credit.

This is a proven win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our school community. By contributing to Georgia GOAL for a 100% Georgia income tax credit—by contributing dollars you must spend anyway—you help maximize financial aid for deserving families that desire a Johnson Ferry Christian Academy education.

The deadline to claim your tax credit is December 1.

Who Can Give Through GOAL?

Georgia individuals, families, and businesses can all participate in GOAL.

How Much Can Be Given?
  • Georgia taxpayers
    • Individual taxpayer: $2,500
    • Joint-filing couple: $5,000
  • Georgia businesses
    • Pass-through owner: $25,000
    • C-Corp or trust: 75% of Tax Liability 
Who Benefits From GOAL?
  • Our Students
  • Our Staff
  • Our Church
  • And You

GOAL Donation Process

Step 1: Designate

Designate a portion of your Georgia state taxes here by the end of the year to get approved.

  • Designation Limits:
    • Georgia taxpayers
      • Individual tax payer: $2,500
      • Joint-filing couple: $5,000
    • Georgia businesses
      • Pass-through owner: $25,000
      • C-Corp or trust: 75% of Tax Liability
Step 2: Approval

In January, the Georgia Department of Revenue will send you an approval letter with a contribution number. Use it to fund your designation within 60 days of the date of the letter.

Step 3: Fund

Within 60 days of DOR approval (by mid-March), fund your designation through GOAL by check, credit card, or ACH.

After funding your designation, we’ll celebrate by inviting you to join our staff for a special event.

Step 4: Claim

File your taxes, including the tax credit receipt, for a 100% dollar-to-dollar credit.

GOAL will send you Form IT-QEE-SSO1 (tax receipt) in May for claiming the credit on your Georgia income tax return (note: you will take the credit on the income tax return for the year in which you make the payment).

All Saints Foundation

As a school committed to innovative Christ-centered education developing students grounded in academics, faith, and community, the funds we raise through the All Saints Foundation help us lift up our school with open hands and place it all at the feet of Jesus, knowing He will do even more than we could ever ask or imagine.

We have witnessed our school family’s generosity at work; gifts given to the foundation in the last year contributed to our ongoing campus updates. This year we continue to focus on building updates, our new JFCA website, and new mobile media stations with laptop carts for classroom use and for hosting the new digital PSAT at JFCA.

We invite you to give from your heart. Thank you for your generous support!